Welcome to Anvil. Regular testing, robust software.


Testing is an important part of any software project and being able to run tests on a range of platforms in an automated manner makes the tests more valuable. Anvil is a centrally run service, based on Jenkins, with access to third party software for STFC staff and colleagues. You can see the Jenkins instance here.

Please note that Anvil uses the STFC Cloud and any interruptions to the cloud service could have a direct impact on Anvil.

User Policy:

Anvil is available and free to use for the following user groups:
  1. STFC internal staff
  2. UK academics working on CCP/HEC projects
  3. Existing (prior to 2019) Anvil users

Direct collaborators (UK academics) on projects on Anvil, of any of the above groups will be considered on a case by case basis. Potential users who fall outside of these categories, including STFC grant holders, should please contact us to discuss whether a specific arrangement can be made. We will continue to try our best to meet all our users’ needs but as we are funded internally by STFC we will be prioritising resource for, and support requests from, internal staff.

Currently licenses for the Intel compiler suite, NAG Fortran compiler are available alongside a ride range of open source compilers, tools and libraries. For a complete list please see the Operating Systems and Software page in our user guide.


For more information about the features we provide, along with help in getting started please see the User Guide or Contact Us.

To create a new project on Jenkins or if you have been invited to an existing project, please register.

If you are an existing user please login to update your account or access your projects (you can also login from within Jenkins).



Anvil was initially funded by EPSRC under the “Software Engineering Support Centre” grant. It is now provided for STFC staff and colleagues funded internally by the Scientific Computing Department.